Thursday, January 1, 2015

Staying Cool

Our little family was plagued with gastro over Christmas.  After 3 days of self imposed quarantine the natives were beginning to get a bit restless and tired of the movie marathon we had been doing.  We were all feeling good enough to be stir crazy but not good enough to expend too much energy.  I didn't want to run the risk of spreading the plague that we had only just gotten over, but it was really too hot to play outside for very long.  

It's in these moments of desperation that creativity takes over.  We made our own water play area with buckets, bowls, cups, and even a small wagon.  I mean who needs a pool when you have a bucket to crawl into?   

Our little Legg splash zone kept the kiddos entertained for a couple hours while keeping them cool and requiring little energy on my part to prepare.  

Everyone had their own bucket to sit in and play with.  It was so great to be able to sit back and hear their imaginations take over as they went from African animals at a water hole, to super heroes with ice power.  

Sometimes it just takes a thinking outside the box for a little bit of fun.  

Do you have fun things you and the kiddos do to while away the hours during the heat of summer? Please share!!

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